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John Madejski Academy

Health and Social Care


  • All students will understand how humans develop across life stages and some of the factors that can affect this. Students will be critical thinkers, independent learners and hard-working.
  • Health and Social Care equips our students to discover the impact of positive and negative human development and how to critically analyse how these factors affect our day to day lives.
  • Health and Social Care enables students to explore areas that influence how we develop throughout life stages and how we can live successfully and healthily.
  • Health and Social Care promotes opportunities for students to draw from real life experiences and case studies.
  • Students learn data skills so that they are able to explain and interpret this information about illness, public health and changes within society.
  • Health and social care also raises awareness of signs and symptoms of: abuse, addiction, illness and mental health.


Please click the curriculum maps below to see the subject implementation.