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John Madejski Academy

SEND Information

Welcome to details relating to the work of the SEND department at John Madejski Academy.

JMA is fully committed to addressing the needs of all our students, including supporting our SEND students, whether this relates to learning, emotional and/or social difficulties, medical, or physical disabilities. This is to ensure students are fully included in life at the school and that they can learn and make good progress. The sections below offer an overview of the work of the department as well as the key staff.

At JMA, we do our utmost to ensure that students’ needs are met in the mainstream classroom wherever possible. Staff in the SEND department work closely with teachers and other colleagues in all subjects to ensure that work set is differentiated and appropriate. Staff are given strategies to support each individual student, providing materials and training to aid where necessary. However, where more individualised support and/or teaching is required, this is usually led by the SENCO and teaching assistants.

We also work closely with a range of professionals outside school to provide informed pastoral support and to support learning, based on students’ specific, individual needs.

Listening to children and young people, working with parents, and listening to their aspirations and those of their children to achieve the most appropriate provision is a key element in all our work.

If parents have concerns with their child’s support and academic progress, they are encouraged to talk, in the first instance, to the SENCO, E Collins,

For enquiries relating to SEND students and the SEND team, please contact the SEND administrator, C Dallimore, on 0118 037 0200.

The Local Offer | Reading Borough Council

Our SEND policy and report can be found on our school policies and documents page.