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John Madejski Academy

School Hours

08.30 Student gate closes
08.37 First whistle, students to line up
08.40 Second whistle, silent line up
08.45 - 09.20 Tutor Time Reading Programme
09.20 - 10.15 Period 1
10.15 - 11.10 Period 2
11.10 - 11.30 Break
11.28 First whistle
11.30 - 12.25 Second whistle, Period 3
12.25 - 13.20 Period 4
13.20 - 14.00 Lunch
13.58 First whistle
14.00 - 14.45 Second whistle, Period 5
14.45 Pack up and walk to line up
14.50 - 15.00 End of day line up
15.00 Students leave site in silent lines
15.00 Period 6 line up (Year 11)
15.05 - 15.55 Period 6 (Year 11)
15.55 End of day line up (Year 11)
16.00 Year 11 leave site in silent lines

Total number of school hours in a typical week – 32.5 hours from 8.30am to 3.00pm.