Attendance and Absence
Attendance at school
Attendance registers are completed at the start of each morning and afternoon session, with the information then being collated and analysed by our pupil services officer.
Children who attend school all the time get better exam results — it’s a fact!
Students who miss half a day of school a week will have missed a term and a half by the time they reach the end of year 11.
Unless your child is really sick or has a medical appointment (an appointment card must be produced) that cannot be made for outside the school day, they must come to school. If your child is ill, you must phone the school before 8.30am on 01189 370200 and select option one.
Also, at John Madejski Academy, we do not allow holidays during term time. Parents who take their children on holiday during term time will receive a fine in the form of an EPN (education penalty notice) from Reading’s Education Welfare Service.