Here, at JMA we are passionate about every student having high aspirations and having a successful career journey. We support this through our Careers Information and Guidance curriculum (CIAG). In order to complete this journey, we provide a broad range of aspirational activities, which supports the development of skills, knowledge of career opportunities and curiosity of students.
We encourage all students and parents that require specific career information to email our dedicated email address at;
Careers Lead – Mr Bull can be contacted at:
Telephone number: 01189 370200
Careers Advisor – Sumera Iftekhar:
At JMA, we have strong links with businesses. For example, Deloitte, Osbourne Clarke, Ella’s Kitchen and the NHS. Deloitte and Osbourne Clarke will provide intensive academic mentoring, workshops, talks and support with career guidance.
As part of our careers provision, we work closely with Adviza to offer students impartial career information. We aim to reach out to all Year 11 and 13 students to receive this guidance to help them make informed choices at a crucial point in their lives.
Form tutors at JMA take an active role helping with the delivery of careers through tutor sessions, assemblies and the delivery of the RSHE curriculum in years 7-13. All students will develop their knowledge of careers as well as all possible routes and options they can take after KS4 and KS5 (in support of the Baker Clause).
All pupils in Years 7 to 13 are entitled to:
- To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
- To hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
- To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.
Below is the CIAG curriculum plan for each year group (career opportunities will also develop and be added throughout the year, so this is not an exhaustive list and is subject to change):
- RSHE- Year 7 begins to look at the education pathway and evaluate the importance of each phase on their education pathway to meet their goals and ambitions for their future. Year 7 learn about some popular industries such as the sporting industry, public sector job and the Arts industry to gain an understanding of popular career/job choices. Year 7 finish the scheme of work off with some role-play of interviews!
- START website – students track all their future careers applications and thoughts on this site
- STEM opportunities e.g. Science theatre
- Careers and Higher Education fair – an opportunity to talk to multiple businesses from different careers areas, as well as to talk to different universities about routes into them as well as what courses they offer.
- Some students are given the opportunity to be a part of a fully funded project allowing them to attend extra workshops on the business world and further experience days in the 'world of work
- Guest speakers from different businesses
- Reading university come in to support/assist students in their subjects
- RSHE – The future, different industries and routes into those industries, STEM, labour market information, How do I get my job, job process, CV and interviews, positive discrimination and gender stereotyping. Year 8 gain an insight into the various different job industries and explore the day-to-day routines/structures of various careers and job roles
- START website – students track all their future careers applications and thoughts on this site
- STEM opportunities e.g. Porsche, Digigirlz, Big Bang Fair, maths trip, project water treatment
- Guest speakers from different businesses e.g. NHS
- RSHE curriculum – The future, different industries and routes into those industries, STEM, labour market information, How do I get my job, job process, CV and interviews, positive discrimination and gender stereotyping. Students have opportunities to discuss their ambitions and enquire into the various different job opportunities and gain insight into the options available to them matching their skills and interests. Students complete skills profile to identify their strengths and weaknesses to begin to set realistic targets to achieve their long term goal and aspirations
- START website – students track all their future careers applications and thoughts on this site
- STEM opportunities e.g. Big Bang Fair, Porsche trip, maths trip
- Careers and Higher Education fair – an opportunity to talk to multiple businesses from different careers areas, as well as to talk to different universities about routes into them as well as what courses they offer.
- Guest speakers e.g. Ella’s Kitchen, NHS
- Ella’s Kitchen apprenticeship project
- Reading university come in to support/assist students in their subjects
- Tutor programme dedicated to careers and labour market
- START website – students track all their future careers applications and thoughts on this site
- STEM opportunities e.g. Science theatre
- Careers and Higher Education fair – an opportunity to talk to multiple businesses from different careers areas, as well as to talk to different universities about routes into them as well as what courses they offer.
- Skills workshops on preparing for work e.g. how to dress, how to behave, what to do, health and safety in the work place
- Experience days in the 'world of work
- Some students are given the opportunity for a 1:1 interview with Adviza to plan post 16 pathways
- Some students give the opportunity to be a part of a fully funded project allowing them to attend extra workshops on the business world and further Experience days in the 'world of work
- Guest speakers from different businesses
- Study Higher workshops designed to increase their understanding of the world of business, revision skills and post 16 options
- Adviza careers 1:1 interviews and personalised action plans for post 16 pathways
- Study Higher workshops designed to increase their understanding of the world of business, revision skills and post 16 options
- START website – students track all their future careers applications and thoughts on this site
- STEM opportunities
- Careers and Higher Education fair – an opportunity to talk to multiple businesses from different careers areas, as well as to talk to different universities about routes into them as well as what courses they offer.
- Some students give the opportunity to be a part of a fully funded project allowing them to attend extra workshops on the business world and further Experience days in the 'world of work
- Tutor programme dedicated to careers and labour market
- Reading College assembly
- Guest speakers from different businesses
- Reading university come in to support/assist students in their subjects
- Careers and Higher Education fair – an opportunity to talk to multiple businesses from different careers areas, as well as to talk to different universities about routes into them as well as what courses they offer.
- Tutor programme dedicated to careers. Project on labour market information
- CV writing workshops with Study Higher
- UCAS support
- STEM opportunities
- Deliotte academic mentoring
- Study Higher employees supporting e.g. with UCAS, careerpilot
- Workshops with Study Higher
- Assemblies and career links with Osbourne Clarke, Deloitte, Cisco, Vodafone, NHS.
- Alumni mentoring and aspiration talks
- Career coaching sessions
- Careers and Higher Education fair – an opportunity to talk to multiple businesses from different careers areas, as well as to talk to different universities about routes into them as well as what courses they offer.
- Adviza careers 1:1 interviews and personalised action plans
- STEM opportunities
- Tutor programme dedicated to careers and labour market. Project on labour market information
- UCAS support
- Study Higher employees supporting e.g. with UCAS, careerpilot
- Workshops with Study Higher
- Assemblies and career links with Osbourne Clarke, Deloitte, Cisco, Vodafone, NHS.
- Alumni mentoring and aspiration talks
- Career coaching sessions
How we measure and assess the impact of the careers programme on pupils
At JMA we use the Compass tool tracker to evaluate and assess our careers provision and the impact on our students. The compass tool tracker allows us to measure the extent to which we are meeting the 8 GATSBY benchmarks. We also send out evaluations to staff, parents and students.
Next Review Date of the School's Careers Programme: 31/08/2023
Where can you find information on the labour market?
Labour market information informs people about how the market is doing. For example, if your son/daughter is interested in working in IT, labour market information will inform them as to how the industry is progressing, the location of these businesses, the opportunities available in that area as well as past and future projections. It also informs people about what skills, qualities and qualifications are required to enter into that profession.
Below are some useful links regarding labour market information:
LMI For All - LMI For All
Careerpilot : Plan your future work & study
Start Profile (password = seeshi94)
Businesses and employers:
Whilst we offer lots of information regarding careers and different businesses. If you are interested in coming in and supporting the school please contact Mr Bull on the above address.
Opportunities for access
The school offers a comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme and an overview of this programme can be seen in the School’s Careers Charter which can be seen on the school website.
Please speak to our Careers Advisor to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.
The school will make a suitable space available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available ICT and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Advisor or a member of their team.
'Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature with the Careers Advisor so that these can be displayed to students.